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The story of Electric evolution
shayma Shamim
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Published on 29th Sep 21

The story of Electric evolution

Although we have been talking intensively about the electric car since the 2000s, especially with Elon Musk's ambitious project with Tesla. The electric car was invented a long time ago in the 19th century. The first existing model was put into circulation in 1834. It was marketed in 1852. Be careful, these electric cars were very different because they did not have a rechargeable motor, unlike the models that can be seen today. Thanks to the work of the rechargeable lead-acid battery and the Camille Faure and Gaston Planté work in 1859, electric vehicles have achieved unprecedented success in this century.


The car was the most used car in the 1900s

While the most widely used engine today is diesel or gasoline, in the 1900s 38% of the US auto market was made up of electric cars. As a reminder, in 2020, the market share of electric cars in the United States was 1.2%. This figure is quite astonishing as the famous American brand Tesla continues to pulverize its sales record for electric cars. At the time, they were easy to use and when starting they avoided the big unbreathable black clouds which is a big advantage. These cars were invented in such a way that they could recharge. We were not talking about a charging station, but a charging column for an electric car. To recharge their accumulators, the user must put a token in the meter, close the internal circuit breakers, the bipolar switch, and use the rheostat switch to choose the charging intensity (from 25 to 80 A) to be supplied to the battery.


The history of the switch from the electric car to the thermal car

The 1920s were very innovative, it was the end of the war and we had to invent and create new means of transport. While the thermal made its appearance in 1908, unlike the electric car, it was not sufficiently successful. Despite Edison's invention of the Iron-Nickel battery in 1910, the electric car gave way to Ford's innovations: assembly-line production lowered production costs and Charles Kettering's electric starter considerably increased the comfort of combustion vehicles. The thermal end up being the vehicle most used. This new type of model is less expensive than the electric car, the range is greater and the thermal car remains lighter. The electric car is beginning to disappear into history to cope with new inventions, including the thermal car.

The oil shock: a boost for the electric car

In 1973 and with the gulf war, the price of a barrel of oil exploded and the cost of gasoline rose sharply for all households. New discussions are opening regarding the electric car, the main issue of which remains autonomy. In addition, a consciousness regarding respect for the planet is emerging. We are therefore looking for alternatives to existing solutions which are very polluting. Some prototypes were created and marketed, the CityCar in 1974 in the US, which reached a 48 km / h and 64 km range. At the same time as this marketing, the price of oil falls and returns to its original price, so sales of electric cars stagnate and finally go bankrupt.


A turning point for electricity in the 90s

Over the years, in the United States, car manufacturers were forced to sell zero-emission vehicles, also known as ZEVs. 2% of manufacturers' sales must be zero-emission vehicles. It is in this movement that General Motors releases the EV1. The 2% of the ZEV rose to 5% in 2001 and 10% in 2003. Other regions followed the same trend. This rise in electric power suggests that the sale of electric vehicles will increase, but this was not the case. It is another failure. At the same time, Elon Musk believes in electricity and so in the 2000s, he founded Tesla alongside SpaceX. The first Tesla was released in 2008 and it was a success!


The history of the electric car in the 21st century

After that, the history of electric vehicles declined and they came back into use at the beginning of the 21st century. At the time, lithium batteries were undergoing re-examination, and the proponent hoped for this type of vehicle. Since then, the development of new technologies for batteries, motors, and hybrid components has reached a new level in the electric vehicle market.

Since the 2010s, car manufacturers have relaunched the electric car with better performance (range, speed, price, etc.). At the same time, governments are aware of the ecological stake behind it and that to motivate motorists to buy an electric car more than a diesel one must develop a network of charging stations. Moreover, with the growing concern about reducing fossil fuels, there is no denying that manufacturers are always trying to innovate in the electric vehicle market to protect the planet. It will definitely last for years or even hundreds of years and Brands like Tesla, Tata are striving hard to bring the E-Mobility revolution in the country.

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