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Tesla The Dog Mode
shayma shamim
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Published on 8th Jul 21

Tesla Dog Mode

It is not recommended to leave a dog alone in his car, especially in the summer when it is hot. The poor animal can suffocate and die. Aware of this problem, Tesla offers, through a new update, a very interesting mode for dog owners. Thanks to the new “Dog Mode”, pet owners can go shopping or other short trips with their four-legged companion without fear for their safety. Activated using the vehicle's touchscreen, this mode is responsible for automatically keeping the passenger compartment cool. So, even if it's a heatwave outside, the dog is not likely to get too hot.

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After having thought of children, the Elon Musk brand took the responsibility to protect dogs as well. This is to make sure that dogs are protected and safe, especially from the point of view of temperature in the unfortunate event of being left in the car. The update presented by Tesla is called "Dog Mode", and (as the name suggests) allows you to activate with a simple touch a whole series of tricks that prevent the cockpit from turning into a deadly trap for the four legs. Even dogs are often victims of the carelessness and superficiality of owners who leave them in the car "for 5 minutes", without taking into account the temperature that the passenger compartment can reach under the sun and the potential heatstroke that can kill them.

Tesla’s new feature for the safety of your pet

Tesla's new feature called dog mode, intervening on the air conditioning to keep it on and setting the optimal temperature in case of animals on board, and alerting the car owner with a notification on the smartphone in case the battery drops below 20%. Added to this is the touchscreen that shows the temperature inside the car, also letting passersby know - with the message “My master will be back soon! Don't worry, the temperature is X degrees ” - that the conditions inside are optimal and that the puppy is not in danger. 

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How to enable dog mode

 “To enable Dog Mode, firstly hit the fan icon present at the bottom of the touchscreen when the car is not running and is parked - explains Tesla, illustrating the update. Then set “Keep Climate On” and select the temperature limits to make sure your dog stays safe ”. The update is already available for all Tesla, even for those already in circulation, simply update the software remotely. Dog Mode does not interfere with the law in force in various places where leaving dogs in the car is a crime, it will remain a crime even if the car is equipped with Dog Mode.

Wrapping up

It's not for nothing that Elon Musk is known to always be at the forefront of innovation. Tesla, a famous car brand renowned for the development of self-driving cars. In one of its models, the Model 3, Elon Musk has decided to integrate a mode that is not quite common: the "dog" mode. Yes, everything will be done to think about the well-being of your pet. The main difficulty when traveling with your pet is to regulate the temperature. When dog mode is activated in your vehicle, the air conditioning will be automatically activated to maintain a temperature compatible with your pet in the cabin. You will be able to travel with your pet in the summer as in winter, without worrying about the regulation of the temperature inside your vehicle. It is not excluded that your Tesla Model 3 automatically regulates the temperature of the passenger compartment when you are not inside the vehicle.

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