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Can domestic meter be used for electric vehicle charging station?
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Published on 7th Apr 21

Can domestic meter be used for electric vehicle charging station?

For the short answer, yes. Here’s How;

Because residential charging is convenient and inexpensive, most plug-in electric vehicle (also known as electric cars or EVs) drivers do more than 80% of their charging at home.  Charging in a single-family home, usually in a garage, allows you to take advantage of low, stable residential electricity rates. The cost to run your car over the course of a year can be less than running an air conditioner.  Charging at a multi-family residential complex, like a condo or apartment, is possible, but can be complex and more similar to public charging.

Electric vehicle industry remains one of the fastest growing industries of 2021, with everything else on a downtrend, it seems as though only electric vehicle industry is catching a pace.

The safety risks of installing and using home EVSE are very low, similar to those associated with other large appliances like clothes dryers. Residential EVSE are generally installed in garages, but homeowners can also purchase outdoor-rated EVSE built to withstand weather and other types of stresses. EVSE cords are built to withstand some abuse—even being run over by a car—and the power flow through the cord is cut off when the vehicle is not charging.

In these times an electric vehicle charging station stands as one of the best ways to invest in for long term passive income gains. More and more people are buying electric vehicles but the sight of having an electric vehicle charging station is rare to say the least.

One of the best ways to invest in this area is to install a charging station outside a place you own for instance; a space outside your house or shop.

Fuel costs for EVs are lower than for conventional vehicles. Based on the national average of 12.6 cents/kwh, fully charging an all-electric vehicle with a 100-mile range and depleted battery would only cost about the same as operating an average central air conditioner for six hours. Because plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have smaller batteries, each individual charge costs even less. General Motors estimates the annual energy use of a Chevy Volt is 2,520 kWh, which is less than required for a typical water heater. In comparison, over the past ten years, U.S. regular conventional retail gasoline prices have fluctuated from below $1.50 to over $4, squeezing annual household budgets by as much as $1,500 per average passenger car. If you charge primarily at night and your utility offers special off-peak rates, your costs may be even lower.  Find out if your utility offers any special incentives for EV owners.

Now, one thing investors of charging station ask a lot about is, what electric meter do I need for installing a charging station?

The reply to this Is simple, due to flexibility in laws regarding electric vehicles and their charging stations, it is legal and completely good if you are using a domestic meter.

As a matter of fact, an investor can use their respective meter and doesn’t need any alterations or license to run a charging station on it irrespective of it being a residential or a Commercial meter.

The only prerequisite that stands however is that the domestic meter in question should be able to take a load of 300kW, which for layman term is equal to running an Air conditioner.

This Information stands true for the entire India i.e. you can use your domestic meter for electric vehicle charging station, irrespective of where you are residing in India.

You should consult EV manufacturer guidance for information about the required charging equipment and understand the specifications before purchasing equipment and electric services. In general, check with your utility and a trusted electrical contractor—and get cost estimates—before installing EVCS or modifying your electrical system.

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