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Is electric vehicle charging software truly necessary?
Shayma Shamim
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Published on 25th Feb 22

Is electric vehicle charging software truly necessary?

The expansion of electromobility is one of the most important tasks of the near future. For companies that want to open up new business areas in this area, however, there are a large number of questions and challenges. To find the right solution here, it pays to consult experts with a comprehensive overview of the market at an early stage.

Electromobility is one of the most important components of the planned energy transition towards complete CO2 neutrality. It is therefore not surprising that new providers are entering this dynamic market and that existing providers are planning to reposition themselves. In addition to the great opportunities, this innovative market segment also harbors certain challenges. One reason for this lies in the extremely complex, sometimes fragmented, and heterogeneous structure of the market. This is also reflected, among other things, in the seemingly confusing variety of IT solutions for charging stations and customer management. To find the right solution here, charging software is necessary for this competitive EV market.

Technological developments are changing market conditions

The idea of ​​using electric cars only as "small city runabouts'' has long been a thing of the past due to rapid technological development. With CMS, increased charging capacities, monitoring all chargers on single dashboards and analytics have improved the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles so much that EVs are now establishing themselves as a fully-fledged mobility alternative, even over long distances. This change in use affects the market in many ways. The necessary increase in charging station density provides a strong growth impetus. After all, it is important to ensure that e-mobility users can rely on a safe and sufficient energy supply everywhere.


Only intelligent networking ensures a smooth flow of e-traffic

In addition to the charging station density, the networking of the charging station operators and the providers of EV CMS is a central topic of e-mobility expansion. The aim should be to be able to locate all your chargers in one place, monitor charge point consumption, and get real-time visibility of transactions, and an API platform for custom mobile applications. This networking is fulfilled by Kazam CMS. Kazam has built the world’s first EV charging station simulator It allows customers to test the app functionality without having any electric charging station.

Choosing the right IT solution is one of the key success factors

For companies that are new to the market or want to reposition themselves, it is advisable to proceed extremely carefully, especially when selecting EV software. Depending on the business model, a large number of requirements must be taken into account when selecting charging software solutions. For example, the question of “should I use it or not?, i.e. to choose your software solution completely which supports Global Standards, can only be decided in a future-proof manner by carefully analyzing your requirements. For extensive and complex projects, it is advisable to get Kazam experts to help at an early stage, who can provide valuable support in precisely defining your requirements and designing or selecting the right software solutions.


If you want to grow, you need systems that grow with you

In a dynamically growing market, the scalability of the selected solutions is of particular importance. And it's not just about monitoring all charging stations into your system, for example. Rather, it must be ensured that the analytics through a CMS, such as Kazam CMS, can also be carried out in an uncomplicated manner.

Wrapping Up

The rapidly growing market for electromobility offers attractive business opportunities. However, its complexity should not be underestimated. When it comes to charging station software and chargers management, the selection or design of the right software solution is of crucial importance. For complex requirements, experts should be involved at an early stage. But even with smaller tasks, it is advisable to consider all important aspects.

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