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How EV Charging Stations Can Support Your Company in Hiring and Retaining Staff?
Dipti Sonawane
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Published on 23rd Oct 22

How EV Charging Stations Can Support Your Company in Hiring and Retaining Staff?

Employees are the most important part of any organisation for two reasons. One is they carry out the company's mission and the other is they have influence over customers. They are the true asset of an organisation.Investing into employees will pay off in spades if the company has the resources and strategy in place.


A recent report from intranet company Unily revealed that 83% of workers think their organisation is not contributing to sustainable living and climate change. 65% said they would be more likely to work for a company with robust environmental policies.Young people today are actively choosing to work for companies with sustainability at the forefront.

 The pandemic has changed the way people work,many are still working from home and spending their days on zoom calls,

plenty still commute to the office everyday. Employees care about their daily commutes, travel time and money . If an employee has an electric car, they'd appreciate having an EV charger in the parking lot at work.

Benefits of installing electric vehicle charging stations at your workplace.

Green credential and carbon footprint of organisation

The definition of green credentials is ‘the qualities that show you believe it is important to protect the natural environment‘.

What can you do to improve your green credentials – at work, at home and as a business?


A carbon footprint is a commonly used tool to calculate the amount of greenhouse gases generated by an activity.

Many businesses own fleets of vehicles for business travel. The use of these vehicles by employees significantly adds to the organisation’s carbon footprint

Installing EV chargers is also an effective way to help reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint.

Retain valuable employees and invite new talent

Employees care about their daily commutes, travel time and money .At the same time they will like working for employers that value sustainability.

For Ev owners finding public charging can sometimes become challenging.If charging stations are available at the workplace,which would save the efforts and time of employees.

Property value

Adding EV charging stations can increase the value of the property as it provides a service and benefit to employees.

This benefit does not apply to businesses that lease a space.


We all know that talent is precious and as many employees look to a sustainable future, EV charging helps motivate team members to stay or join your business. organisations must design competitive benefits packages to attract and retain top talent.Installing EV charging at businesses for employee attraction and employee retention is new perk.ease the time and financial burden associated with commuting.EV charging helps motivate team members to stay or join your business.

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